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Sustainable Eating Guide: How to Make Better Food Decisions for Yourself and the Planet

Sep 09, 2022

Did you know that making simple changes to what you eat can greatly benefit both your body and our planet?

Our food decisions significantly impact our health and the environment, and this is where a practice called “sustainable eating” becomes very important. Sustainable eating is more than just adding more greens to your diet; it’s all about committing to shift your lifestyle and consume food that’s healthy for both your body and the planet.

Getting started with sustainable eating is easier than you think. Let’s explore the quick guide below to learn about the different ways to develop healthier and more sustainable eating practices.

Make a meal plan.

Making a meal plan is a practical way to develop your own sustainable eating routine. A meal plan helps you to mindfully choose the foods that end up on your plate. It also helps you to spend more wisely on food, as you buy only what you need. It also allows you to reduce food waste in your household because when you religiously follow your meal plan, you tend to consume everything that you buy, leaving little to no waste.

Start by choosing healthier recipes and ingredients for your next meals and be amazed by how keeping a sustainable eating routine can make your every grocery trip worthwhile.

Buy local, in-season, and natural foods.

Buying in-season produce from your local farms or shops not only supports your local economy but also reduces carbon emissions from supply chains. Most produce is typically transported from a different province or country, and this practice contributes to carbon emissions, which harms the environment. In addition, foods tend to lose a decent amount of nutritional value while being transported.

Eating seasonally also brings a lot of health benefits because in-season foods tend to be fresher and organic. They are also cheaper! Seasonal shopping also allows you to change things up in your diet and experiment with more variety of recipes, which leads us to our next point.

Eat more variety.

Did you know that your food decisions can also support biodiversity in agriculture?

The lack of biodiversity in agriculture can lead to decreasing numbers of plant and animal species, which can eventually threaten our food system. But you can help prevent this from happening by eating a wider variety of foods and, again, choosing local alternatives. This practice not only helps increase biodiversity but also gives your body more nutrients and reduces malnutrition risks.

Make responsible seafood choices.

Sustainable eating is not just about what we eat, but it’s also about what we should avoid consuming. So, steer clear from red-listed seafood, or marine species that should not be made commercially available. This is one of the easiest ways to help protect marine life, revive our oceans, and sustain them for generations to come.

Resize and share your meals.

According to the World Food Programme, one-third of all food produced is discarded or wasted. A lot of people also tend to buy and cook more food than they need, contributing to even more food waste. You can help alleviate this problem by sharing meals or controlling portion sizes.

When you order food, consider getting a smaller portion and eat moderately to make sure no food is wasted. If you love cooking, use your hands to gauge the appropriate meal size so you don’t end up cooking too much food. You can also be creative with leftovers. Instead of just tossing them out, add a tasty twist by tweaking the recipes or experimenting with new flavors or ingredients.

Food is also meant to be shared. Next time you eat out with friends or family, look for a restaurant with more shareable dishes. In this way, you can help reduce food waste while making each meal more meaningful.
It’s never too late to adopt a greener and more sustainable lifestyle. With simple changes in our daily lives, we can be a part of a bigger change to sustain and protect the planet for future generations to enjoy!