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Green is the New Black: Why Sustainable Fashion Will Never Go Out of Style

Jan 06, 2023

When something from your wardrobe goes out of style, what do you do? Do you sell it online, pass it on to someone, or throw it away? Sadly, throwing away unwanted clothes has become a norm for about 65 percent of Filipino adults. This is a problem because the clothes that you dispose of will only add to mountains of discarded clothes in landfills. 

The fashion industry generates greenhouse gas emissions, microplastics, and other pollutants that are harmful to our planet. It also consumes lots of energy, water, and natural resources. And worse, only a tiny amount of clothes gets recycled. 

As one of the major polluters in the world, the fashion industry needs to be more sustainable. And as a consumer, you have an important role to play. We have rounded up four easy ways you can help save our planet by pursuing sustainable fashion.

Buy less and buy better 

One of the most practical ways to make your wardrobe more environmentally friendly is to buy less and buy better. Buying fewer clothes will eventually reduce the overall environmental impact of producing clothes. And if you choose long-lasting materials and brands that are committed to make fashion more sustainable, you are helping the industry become more eco-conscious.

Thankfully, there are many brands today that sell stylish clothes while being eco-friendly. Just take some time to learn more about these brands, their production process, and how they source their materials before shopping to make sure their sustainability values are genuine and not just a greenwashing gimmick. 

Take the 30 wears test

“Would you wear this piece at least 30 times?” This is one of the first questions you need to ask yourself before buying any new piece of clothing. There’s even an app for it! 

The idea for this test is to help consumers practice mindful shopping and think of clothes as investments rather than as disposable items. So instead of buying statement pieces that you will only wear once for an occasion, pick versatile or timeless pieces that can be mixed and matched with different styles so you can wear them over and over again without going out of fashion.

Shop pre-loved clothes or hit ukay-ukays

Updating your wardrobe doesn’t always have to involve buying brand-new clothing. Believe it or not, it’s possible to keep up with the latest fashion trends and slay fresh outfits by buying pre-loved pieces at an ukay-ukay or online. Shopping secondhand is a great eco-friendly practice to stay fashionable while saving money and helping the industry save resources.

Give your clothes a new life

If you have clothes sitting in your closet untouched for ages, maybe it’s time to let them go. But instead of tossing them out, you can resell them online or at a garage sale, swap them with your friends, family, or co-workers, or donate them to charity. In this way, you’ll help other people shop sustainably while keeping your old clothes out of landfills.

With these simple practices, you can do something positive and embrace sustainable fashion to help transform the industry for the better.

Rent out special items for certain occasions.

Some special occasions require unusual items we don’t normally wear. That’s why renting out clothes makes sense! By renting clothing, especially for special occasions, you can get dressed up without breaking the bank while reducing your environmental footprint by reusing existing items.

Sustainable fashion is not simply shopping for items labeled ‘sustainable’. It is actually a sustainable habit that defines how we consume clothes or other fashion items. Switching to more sustainable fashion can also save you a considerable amount of money spent on clothes while endorsing a more sustainable fashion industry with your greener lifestyle!