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Consumer Trends Predictions to Watch in 2023: Unpacking the Conscious Consumer

Mar 31, 2023

Are you ready for what consumers will adore in 2023? 

From a greater focus on sustainability which creates new business models to the increased popularity of healthy lifestyles, we have gathered all the exciting trends that shape how brands should interact with consumers. 

Buckle up and explore these four consumer trends predictions! 


Sustainability is more than just a buzzword now as it’s set to continue as a significant trend in 2023. As of February 2022, 81% of respondents in the Philippines said they were willing to pay more for sustainable products. In addition, the majority said they adopted sustainable practices when shopping in the last 12 months. 

This shift in consumer behavior has created a positive impact on the world. For one, a lot of brands these days are committing to reduce their environmental impact in response to a growing demand for eco-friendly products. 

Dell’s crystal ball prediction: Starting in 2023, we may see a shift towards more environmentally conscious consumer behavior, with practices such as buying secondhand items or opting for refills instead of purchasing items in new packaging becoming more popular, paving the way for a new era of consumption.


During the pandemic, the do-it-yourself trend became popular, with tutorial videos spreading across social media platforms. Unsurprisingly, crafty projects can help with your mental health in times of isolation.

Therefore, in 2023, we expect to see a rise in DIY products and services, from at-home craft kits to workshops and classes. This trend also supports sustainability, as people seek to repurpose and upcycle materials rather than buy new ones. 

Dell’s crystal ball prediction: The DIY trend is here to stay, and we can’t wait to see what creative projects people come up with along the way!

Authentic Content

Authenticity will undoubtedly be crucial in 2023! 

In one recent study, 66% of consumers said they care more about authenticity than quality when it comes to consuming content from brands and influencers. It’s clear that people now value honest reviews of a product over polished advertising.

Moreover, with the rise of social media, audiences have become savvier and more skeptical of the content they encounter online. They want something real and are looking for brands, products, services, and influencers who are genuine and relatable. This means it’s time to move towards unfiltered, diverse, and more inclusive user-generated content. Brands that can authentically connect with their audiences will be the ones to stand out and attract loyal followers. 

Dell’s crystal ball prediction: Brands and influencers that prioritize authenticity and inclusivity will likely boost consumer engagement and loyalty.

Health & Wellness

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way people think about their well-being and lifestyles. According to a Nielsen study in 2021, nearly half of consumers in Asia Pacific have been trying to live a healthier lifestyle since the pandemic started. In addition, 67% said mental and physical wellness will be more important to them in at least the next 12 months. 

There’s a significant shift taking place in the way we live and work. More and more people are placing a greater emphasis on their physical and mental health, and this boosts the popularity of mood-tracking apps, home fitness equipment, and healthy food delivery services. 

Additionally, there is a noticeable trend towards more flexible working models, such as hybrid work, and companies are recognizing the importance of wellness programs for their employees. All these factors collectively indicate that “the new normal” will be a healthier and more balanced way of life. 

Dell’s crystal ball prediction: The future is all about taking care of oneself.

To summarize, 2023 will be a year of conscious consumerism, where sustainability, creativity, authenticity, and self-care take the lead. It won’t be impossible for brands that can authentically connect with their audiences and leverage these trends to stay relevant and thrive this year.